To update your email for your order, please follow the following steps.

  1. Login to your ShowClix My Tickets account. If you forget your password, use the "Forgot your password" feature to recover your password.
  2. Under "Anime Expo 2024 - General Registration", choose the order which you want to modify the email.
  3. Under "Sent to", click [Edit Email]. Enter the new email you want to receive the information for this order. Click [Submit].



To update your email for your ShowClix account, please follow the steps:

*This will affect all the orders under your account*

  1. Login to your ShowClix My Tickets account. If you forget your password, use the "Forgot your password" feature to recover your password.
  2. Click on "settings", and enter the email address that you would like to update accordingly. Allow a few minutes to have the changes reflected in the account.

Note: If you have multiple ShowClix accounts and would like to merge your ShowClix accounts, please contact ShowClix Customer Support for account-related issues.