- In order to receive disabled services at Anime Expo, a disabled attendee must apply for and receive a disabled credential, and his or her helper must also have a disabled helper credential.
- Before you apply for the disabled credential and a disabled credential for your helper, you must first make sure that you (the attendee) and helper have registered and paid for a badge on the Anime Expo website. You and the helper can also purchase a badge at Registration if you are on site.
- To apply, you and the helper must visit the Information Services Booth in Gilbert Lindsay Plaza, South Lobby, or West Lobby or Event Operations Office at Room 508A in person at the Event, to request for a disabled credential.
- At Information Services or Event Operations, please make sure you let the counter person know that you are requesting a disabled credential for your badge.
- The counter person may ask you and your helper for a valid photo identification. Acceptable forms of identification must have a photo and may be Driver’s License, School ID, Passport, Military ID, or any government-issued ID.
We CANNOT ask for proof of disability under any circumstances. If anyone asks you, doing so was a mistake, and you may simply decline to provide it. However, we ask you to be honest and not apply for Disabled Accommodations just to get special access if you don’t really need it.
- The counter person will write down the attendee’s and helper’s name, date of birth, and contact information. Please provide your and your helper’s most up-to-date contact information. You and your helper will then be asked to sign and date the request form.
- You will receive a disabled credential for Disabled attendee and a disabled credential for your AX helper as appropriate to your application.
- The counter person will attach the disabled credential directly to the FRONT of the disabled attendee’s badge and the attendee’s helper badge.
- Disabled Helper may accompany the Disabled attendee when such attendee is using such access accommodations, but in NO event will such access accommodations be made available to a Helper unaccompanied by a Disabled attendee.
For more information, please visit the Accessibility page.
Have further questions? Fill out our contact form.